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Safer Streets campaign needs you!
The 20's Plenty for Wivenhoe campaign is gaining momentum but needs your help. Text 07926 463568 with your address to have a window poster delivered.
Email cllr.lee.scott@essex.gov.uk (portfolio holder sustainable transport) asking Essex County Council to implement 20mph where people live because it saves lives, reduces CO2 and particulate emissions, is fairer to vulnerable people and makes more walking and cycling possible. (Cc cllr.mark.cory@essex.gov.uk who is now in support).
Sign the petition at Wivenhoe Bookshop.
Evidence of the benefits https://www.20splenty.org/
Get in touch if you want to get more involved wivenhoe@20splentyforus.org.uk 
Campaigners are also urging people to avoid parking on pavements as this endangers pedestrians, especially those with mobility needs.


20's Plenty for Wivenhoe is registered with 20’s Plenty, a UK non profit supporting the UN's call for default 20mph30km/h urban & village limits.