Should your child require regular prescription medication i.e., asthma inhalers etc, during the school day we require you to authorise us to administer it. Forms are available in the school office.
We do not expect to regularly administer over the counter medicine or antibiotics to pupils, if they are ill enough to require medicine they should probably be at home. If they are completing a course of antibiotics they should, if possible be administered at home around the school day.
Please inform the school, by phone or note as soon as possible if your child is ill.
Recovering from diarrhoea or vomiting
Pupils cannot return to school until they have been symptom free for 48 hours (previously 24 hours)
This restriction is to reduce the increased risk of pupils and staff acquiring an infection at school.
The advice to restrict a return to school until completely symptom free for 48 hours comes from the Government department ‘Public Health England’.
Please remember to contact the school office if your child is unwell.
New Guide to Common Childhood Illnesses launched
Childhood illnesses, your guide contains help and advice on how to spot the signs of these illnesses such as coughs, colds, diarrhea and vomiting as well as guidance on how to help your child get better at home. There is also information on what to look out for and where to find help if you need it
A copy is available below.
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