On this page you will find e-safety updates and links (below)to CEOP and ThinkUKnow where you will find lots of information about keeping safe on line.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding e-safety please e-mail or speak to Mrs Besant or Mrs Grigg.
Please visit these websites for useful information regarding keeping your child safe on line and managing device usage at home.
Action for Children: Unplug and Play
Action for Children this week published research showing that 23% of parents find it difficult to limit their children's technology-based activity. That sounds like of three-quarters of parents are managing that easily, which I find surprising. You can find the research here:
ChildNet: Family Agreement for internet use - Starting the Conversation
Last year ChildNet created a Family Agreement as a great way to start a conversation with the whole family about use of the internet and discuss together how to behave in a positive way when online at home, at school or at their friends' homes. The advice and agreement templates can be found here:
Or by clicking on the links below
Use of Social Media
As you will be fully aware, the internet has become a powerful tool to connect and to share ideas and opinions. In recent years, social networking sites such as Facebook have grown in popularity and many people use them to communicate with family, friends and others.
The vast majority of people who use social networking show respect in their communication with others and this is something that we must encourage to show our children that we are positive ‘digital role models’. However, like other aspects of society, there are people who disregard the rules set and will use social networking sites to cyberbully, harass or stalk others.
Recently, there have been a number of high-profile cases in the media were people have used the internet to intimidate and bully others. These have been investigated by the police and, in some instances, have led to criminal prosecutions.
As a school, we encourage parents to support us with the education and wellbeing of their children and if at any time, parents feel that they have any issues regarding their child’s education, they should make an appointment with me. As a community, we should all frown upon the use of social networking sites by parents to criticise and make unsubstantiated comments about the school or any members of staff.
We do not want to go down the line of having to send out legal letters from solicitors to parents about untrue and damaging comments made on social networking sites. Current laws such as the 1988 Malicious Communication Act, 1997 Protection from Harassment Act and 2003 Communication Act all can be used to protect people from malicious and threatening posts on the internet.
Thank you for your continued support.
Please make sure you have secure privacy settings on your facebook account. It is advisable to not post photos of your children, especially in clearly identifiable school uniform, or post information about them such as their name, school, interests. The GPS location of photos can be tracked and there are unfortunately people out there who are actively looking for vulnerable people.
Visit Think u Know for tips on keeping you and your family safe online https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/
Many children will have received games and devices that allow them to go online. The internet does pose certain risks and dangers to children - but it offers lots of opportunities too.
There are things you can do to keep your child safe:
Set boundaries for how long your child can spend online and what they can do.
Understand the games that your children play.
Ensure your child knows what to do if someone they don’t know makes contact with them.
The Data Protection Act is unlikely to apply in many cases where photographs are taken in schools and other educational institutions. Fear of breaching the provisions of the Act should not be wrongly used to stop people taking photographs or videos which provide many with much pleasure.
Where the Act does apply, a common sense approach suggests that if the photographer asks for permission to take a photograph, this will usually be enough to ensure compliance.
For example:
If you are using a digital device to take pictures of your children that you intend to place online please switch off your GPS to avoid geotagging. This is essential when posting images of children.
It is important you know how to disable your mobile or camera's geotagging feature. Every smartphone has the geotagging feature automatically set to operate, so you need to put in the effort to prevent it from doing this. It's recommended that you disable the geotagging ability and enable it again when you make a conscious decision to use it; it's far better to opt in than to try to remember to opt out.
Disable it through the "Settings" page of the geotagging program. Tap "Settings", then "General" and then "Location Services". Disable the applications that use GPS data. For older iPhones, tap "Reset Location Warnings" under "Reset" to cause the phone to prompt you about using geolocations when using the relevant applications. If you have a hard time remembering to disable the geolocating features of your iPhone, consider leaving it off permanently. |
Start the camera application. Open the menu to the left and go to "Settings". Turn off "Geotagging" or "Location storage" (the name depends on the version of Android you own). |
Digital camera
Read the user manual. Not all digital cameras come with geotagging and the manual will explain whether it does and how to shut off the GPS features. |
Please visit this website for further information about Geotagging: http://www.wikihow.com/Avoid-the-Potential-Risks-of-Geotagging or simply google geotagging.
Check your Family Friendly Filter settings with your internet service provider (ISP). Log onto your ISP website and make sure you have the right level of filtering on for your home devices for example:
SKY: http://www.sky.com/products/broadband-talk/sky-broadband-shield/features/
TALK TALK: http://www.talktalk.co.uk/security/homesafe-demo.html
If you would like further advice about keeping your children safe online please visit the following websites where you will find a wealth of advice:
CEOP: http://ceop.police.uk/
Think You Know http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/
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