Home Page

Year 1

Welcome to Year One 2024-2025

Books and Biscuits

Today Mrs Worth welcomed parents in for 'Books and Biscuits'. This is an opportunity for the children to share their progress and skills when reading. The children could choose a book, find somewhere comfortable to sit and share their favourite text with their adults. 


Thank you to those of you who were able to attend today. I hope you could see how confident the children are becoming at reading on sight (fluency) and how efficient they are are segmenting and blending when decoding unfamiliar texts. 


Well done!

When I grow up I want to be.....


As part of our stunning start to this terms topic 'Kingdoms' the children came to school dressed as what they want to be when they grow up.


Today we held our annual meet the teacher session with your child's class teacher. During this session we spoke about the expectations for the academic year including how parent's can help at home. We spoke about PE days, reading books and home learning. If you have any further questions or indeed missed the session please do speak to your child's class teacher.

Year One 2023-2024

Pizza Tasting- Design Technology

Science Day

World Book Day 2024

Forest School- Spring Term

Our class trip to Wivenhoe Fire Station

Our Sleepy Shepherd Show!

Year 1 Autumn 1- our first wonderful half term

Welcome to the Year One Class Page!


Here you will find photos and videos of the Year One classes adventures. Parents and carers will also have access to tapestry throughout the year to see their child's photos too.


This page has a wealth of information.


Mr Bennett and Mrs Hunt look forward to an exciting year with our new classes!

Welcome to our Year One Page


In Year One, we build upon the learning experiences within Nursery and Reception. We strive to give every child an education that not only teaches reading (including letters and sounds), writing and maths, but also develops essential social skills, language, learning skills and attitudes for life. Our children are happy, settled, confident, creative and eager to learn. The best transitions are built on familiarity but also some careful change. 


Children still have time to play and choose their own learning alongside more adult- directed teaching and learning. As the year progresses, our classroom environments, daily routines, timetable, and extent of more directed teaching time will evolve to meet the needs of the children and their learning. The focus of this being to ensure that all children leave Year One with the firm foundations, skills, and knowledge required for Year Two and future learning.


We look forward to welcoming you and your children to Year One!

Mr Bennett, Mrs Hunt and the Year One Team

Year One Classrooms and Outside Environment


During your child's first full week in Year One the teacher will listen to them read during our group reading practise sessions. Your child will be allocated a physical book matching to their decoding ability, an online "e-book" which matches the reading practise group and finally one book for pleasure. 


The children will get the opportunity to read with an adult every week. We read DAILY in class.



This year we will be asking the children to bring their PE kits into school, where they will stay. We want to encourage the children to be independent and be able to change themselves.


The children will need a PE kit, kept in a labelled drawstring bag on their peg.


PE kit for our school is

  • plain white t-shirt
  • black shorts (and plain black jogging bottoms for colder, outside lessons)
  • black plimsols or trainers


Please can all items be labelled with your child's name.


PE days for each class are as follows:

Mrs Hunt-Monday and Tuesday

Mr Bennett - Monday and Tuesday


In Year One the children will be given homework each week with an overview of what they have been learning in school that week as a basis for discussion at home. As well as a short literacy, maths and phonics activity for them to complete. Homework is optional at this age but we strongly encourage the children to take part in the short, age-appropriate and fun activities to consolidate learning and key skills from school as well as to help build up independence. If your child needs support with any of the activities please jot down a quick message on the homework to let us know what support was given so we can support this in school as well.


Homework is set via Teams on a Friday each week and will be due for return on the following Thursday.

Phonics- Little Wandle

Below is a copy of the letters and sounds mat we use in class to support the children with their reading and writing. Please remember that the children are expected to know all of these sounds by the end of Year One.

Useful Websites: