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Year 2

Year 2 2023-2024

Welcome to Year 2!

Class Teachers: Mrs Truong and Mrs Besant

The main focus in year 2 is continuing your child's journey through education in their final year of Infant School. 


Our aim is to teach fun and engaging lessons that enrich the curriculum and give your child many opportunities to learn through new experiences. 


We will be keeping you updated with our learning through Microsoft Teams and our knowledge organisers. 




Spring term our topic is called 'To Boldly Go...' where we will be exploring different parts of the world! 

To kickstart this topic, the class came dressed up as explorers or African animals as we will be starting with a focus on the country Kenya.

We will be looking at African landmarks incorporated into our printing activity in art and then looking at the journey of the explorer Ernest Shackleton across Antartica.

Christmas Dinner and Jumper Day!

This term we researched all about the Great Fire of London! We looked at the fire service and how this has improved since 1666

As part of our DT focus, our task was to create a vehicle with an axle and a chassis. So we thought why not make a fire engine!

The children have researched, tested, designed, made and evaluated their very own fire engines. We hope you like them :)

Every Monday, children who have signed up to Rock Steady attend their session with Richard. They practise in preparation for an end of term concert which is always fantastic! 

Have a look at the rock concerts we have had so far :)

This term in PE we have looked at multi-skills as well as gymnastics. The class have used a variety of different sized and shape balls and investigated how to handle and pass them. 

In gymnastics, we looked at the key vocabulary of straight, tuck and star and how we can use our bodies to create these shapes. 

We then upskilled ourselves and put these shapes into different levels and introduced apparatus. 

It was so lovely to see so many parents and grandparents coming to our books and biscuits event! The children loved reading to you as well as being read to. Thank you :)

As part of our learning about the Great Fire of London, we finished off the half term with a visitor from Firefighter Barton who taught us all about what a firefighters day looks like. He also taught us lots about the Great Fire and gave us some interesting facts!